Monday, February 15, 2010

Add an Olympic theme to your training...

Hey Fitness Pros,

The Olympics are well on there way and the world is inspired and captivated by the athleticism, determination, and focus of these athletes.

So use this as an opportunity to incorporate some fun Winter Olympic challenges or workouts.

For example, maybe each day during the Olympics set a new drill, challenge or exercise with an Olympic theme. Here's some ideas. Adjust times based on the client.

* Alpine Skier Wall Squat - How long can you hold the position?

* BOSU Snowboard 180 Jumps - Perform for 30 seconds

* BOSU Luge - Hold Luge position for 45 seconds.

* X-Country Ski Race - How fast can you do 1 mile on an Indoor X-Country Ski machine?

* Apolo Ohno Exercuff Speed Skate - Set up a course around the studio and have clients 'skate' for 2 minutes

* Curling Lunges - Had to add that one in for Canada ;)

Hope this gives you some ideas. Part of being a world-class trainer is always mixing it up and keeping it fun for clients.

Yours in health, fitness and business,

Sherri McMillan

ps. We are offering your first month FREE with our Personal Training MasterMind group. Contact Kari Schunk, our Fitness Education director, at and she'll get you all set-up. You'll be well on your way to a million dollar training business.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The #1 Key to Success is...

Dear Fitness Pros,

I've found that success has nothing to do with money or intelligence. Instead success seems to follow those who know exactly what they want and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there!

So I want to ask you...

Do you clearly see what you want for your life and for your career? Can you paint the picture of who you want to be, what you want to do, which adventures you want to experience? I challenge you to dream big for all aspects of your life!

Secondly, do you know what you need to start doing, stop doing and keep doing to point you in the direction of your best life? Bottom line - you actually have to do something. So I challenge you to do one little thing today to prove to yourself that you've got your compass pointed where you want your life to go.

Yours in health, fitness and business,

Sherri McMillan

ps. And if you need someone to keep you accountable to achieving the best in your career, email and ask about our Personal Training MasterMind group.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why a trainer needs to schedule a workout with a trainer...

Hey Fitness Pros,

This month all of our trainers are taking me through a workout. I would suggest other trainers, owners and managers to do the same for a variety of reasons:

1. Quality control - I will evaluate our team based on a set criteria of what we believe a great session looks like from start to finish. Although every workout is different because every client is different, there are certain principles and protocol that have to be adhered to to make it a great NWPT session.

2. Ideas - Working out with another trainer is an awesome way to give you ideas for your programs, sessions and classes.

3. Great workout - I'm turning 40 in 1 month and it's time to ramp it up! I'm going to be in great shape for my Birthday!

Yours in health, fitness and business,

Sherri McMillan